Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I can't wait 'til I turn 42, so I can say some obscure Hitchiker's Guide quote.

Here is a b-day present from Everett:

He is just bucketsful of awesome!

And my Thanksgiving gift to you all:

A Skeksis turkey!!


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I so sent you a wonderfully happy, merry b-day song. I hope you had a terrifical day. Drawings/presents/other treats await you :)
    <3, me

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Hey Rosie, you should put a word verification on your blog so you don't get spammed by jerks like this.

  3. Danielle >> My head exploded from all the wonderfully happy sing-song merriness you sent me! Thank you! <3

    Ev >> Done and done! Thanks Ev! :D
    (I always hated word verifications in the past because I'd always mispell them, or they'd be too jumbled-looking to decipher)
