Monday, December 11, 2006

Doodle Dump

Sketch Crawl this past Saturday was really fun! It rained later in the day, but that ended up enhancing the experience as all the crawlers huddled into the Zoo's main restaurant. There we exchanged sketchbooks and drew humans instead of other zoo critters. I'll post up my stuff from that soon.

Meanwhile here are the sketch assignments I've been doing for my mentorship. Each subject is drawn three times: the 1st being a direct reference, the 2nd I reference the first drawing, and the 3rd is drawn from memory w/o reference. The point of the exercise is to learn how to "see," how to draw the whole gesture quickly while learning to compose the picture well. The second goal is to feel comfortable drawing anything and everything, from architecture to difficult shots in movies.

Reference: "The Iron Giant"

Reference: Ronnie Del Carmen's drawing titled "Door".

And here's some other recent paintings:

"Tilden Park," pastels.



My boyfriend showed this to me recently. It's an ongoing occurence that I should find out and actually see awesome things much later in my life. However, I'm still glad to have seen this, and for those who haven't yet heard of "Kiwi!", click that play button!


  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    These are really cool to see Rosie! Great excercises. I may try that myself. Keep posting your mentorship stuff, I love it. You're gonna do a great job. Sketchcrawl was a blast. We'll have to go sketching again soon.

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    i second what scribbles said. I love the idea and your work looks great. you keep posting everything he tells you! haha nah really It's funny how such simple exercises can be so helpful. It's great to see you work so much and neat to think that that 3rd time around with only your memory you really get to see your own style emerge. love that lady you broke into head, hands, and feet. and doodle dump is a brilliantly inappropriate sounding name. for that and your lovelyl doodles *two thumbs up*

  3. That is a great exercise- I'm going to try it too.
    Who's your mentor? Tom? Randy maybe?

  4. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Your inspiring everyone here, haha. These are beautiful. I'll dive in too, I guess. But JUST because everyone else is doing it! ;) No, no, this is a great idea. God, is it bad that I'm already really antsy for the next sketchcrawl?

    Vid made me "oooooh no!" a whole bunch of times, btw

  5. This exercise really is good, though i admit it's really hard to keep up with (doing 3 pages a day of this stuff... I'm already behind by a lot of pages)

    Ev >> Thanks a lot! Right now I still feel like I'm not pushing myself enough, and that could be because finals for school are still going on (until tomorrow). Soon I'll post up more stuff and hopefully really get into this.

    Danielle >> Thanks! Now that I'm getting the hang of this exercise a little more, I'm really gonna try to let my imagination kick in on the 3rd drawings. Expect another doodle dump tomorrow! ;)

    Heather >> Do try it! I'm going to start focusing more on movies, but this is a great exercise for anything. Mandrews is actually my mentor, which I can barely believe! He's an awesome guy, and really inspires you to give it your all. I definitely have to work my ass off for this.

    Pft, the -next- sketchcrawl could happen as soon as we all get together and draw. I don't see why it only has to be once every 3 or 4 months. :P

    Hehe, and I'm glad to have elicited many "oh no"'s using "Kiwi"!
