Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Life Update

I'm so very behind on everything - I blame school! (I'll miss the convenient excuse of being a student after I graduate...)

Storyboards are still in progress and behind schedule, but they will be up soon. The comic idea has obviously gone out the window for now, but not forever.

Finally, I want to share a powerful article from It's about the murder of a promising teen in the city's violence-stricken Bayview/Hunter's Point district:

Antwanisha Morgan

A personal, interpretive illustration will soon follow in this post.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    man a few dozen kids from South San Fran High went on this last sojourn trip and they were devastated. Their teacher had to tell them mid trip and I think it must have been really rough... how did you hear about what happened?

  2. I was reading through blogs and came on to yours and this story. I lived in SF for ten years and know that area and how bad it can be. It is a sad story I feel for her family and her community. I used to take the 5 Fulton through parts of Hayes Valley and see how tough it would be to grow up in an environment like that and maintain focus. That she was one of the kids that could grow up be a success and pull up other kids around her. It is a tragic loss for her family and community at large.

    I like your blog...
