Saturday, July 21, 2007


So I role played ("RP'ed") for the first time with a bunch of friends, and although I was eager to play before, I never knew how fun it could be! It's best if you're playing with a bunch of equally eager friends, especially if you have a great Game Master! What's really cool about it is that you have to rely on your imagination to play, which is great for anyone in the creative field. Lots of people kept scribbling out images in their heads as we played. Everyone should try it! Here's my character:

Her name is Brianna. She's a Sun Priestess!

I look forward to the second round this Monday!


  1. I completely agree.
    I think that RPing is a great way to get (kids, teens, adults) away from the t.v. and the inventions of other people (like books and comics) and let them explore their own imaginations... great job Rosie on the illustration!

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    she looks pretty darn innocent holding that mace. hahah love the color! last night was fun. can't wait to keep sketching (ps. you rode a dragon)

  3. It really helps you loosen up, it's great. Awesome pic, I love your costumes/colors. Your digital sketches have had this painterly quality to them recently that's really nice. How do you do that? Special ps brushes or are you using something else?

    Dani's right about your character--"don't wory. i'm a sun priestess. this won't hurt until my mace goes flying into your face."

  4. Found yer blog!!!

    nice work! sun priestess!
