Thursday, July 12, 2007

Who needs sleep?

So, more and more it sounds like the art college thing is happenin'. I talked to Mandrews today and, as usual, got a head-full of amazing storyboard/life advice. So far I had researched 3 schools:

Academy of Art
Joe Kubert School of Cartoon & Graphic Art

Mark gave a strong pitch for CalArts, not only because he did their character animation program, but because it he knows the program would offer a lot of great story and animation classes taught by professionals currently in the industry, as well as push me to produce my own short film each year (...which is insane!) It also has a great environment for artists to form close relationships, and have access to other programs such as the film directing, theater, photography, etc. programs. The only problem is the expensive tuition (about $27k a year for tuition alone). However, if I really want to go, which I do, and I keep on top of financial aid options and deadlines, which I am already doing, then I'm willing to take the risk. This is for my life, and no one else!

In the meantime, I've kinda scared myself into a drawing revival/insecurity panic attack, and have been producing copious doodles. Those will be scanned in as soon as I figure out how to return to a normal sleeping schedule...zzz...

Little doodlage for a rough story idea.

The two principal characters.


  1. I have also heard wonderful things about CalArts. And 27k is pretty typical for art school, CCA is 30k a year tuition only (undergrad). Don't worry, you'll get a sexirific job after you're done and pay your loans off in no time. By the way, you are doing a masters program right?

  2. Aw thanks Tina! Wow CCA was THAT much?? Damn!!!

    It's actually another bachelors degree, doing character animation. It would be awesome if it were considered a masters, but judging what i've heard about the amount of work the students have to do in that program, it might as well BE a masters!

  3. Gorgeous painting! It's so pretty and atmospheric. I especially like the way you played with the metal on the robot.

  4. "Wow CCA was THAT much?? Damn!!!"

    Why the heck do you think I went to USF? :P

    Actually, I think this was one of the big reasons for the USF/CCA- CCA didn't like the fact that going to USF was essentially a way to get "cheap" CCA classes.

    And I don't know what they've told you at Academy, but after they nickel and dime you it turns out to be around the same price as CCA- lots of hidden fees at that school.

    If you want my 2 cents, and hopefully you do because here it comes, if you get into CalArts and can figure out a way to afford it, go for it. You are clearly leaning towards story artist and there is no other school that will give you the connections and name recognition for that gig. Plus, do you really want to go against the advice of the Mandrews? Heh.
