Friday, October 26, 2007

Project 1

Done! So this assignment was a background design, and after going through the linework, value sketches, and color keys, I tweaked and edited where I thought the composition, color, and lighting could be pushed. The two main influences for me during this process were Disney's "Hunchback of Notre Dame" Art of book, and Hans Bacher. Also gonna start referencing Tadahiro Uesugi's style of background.

Finally, more character development for this same project. The villain character will eventually be posted up as well. Right now I'm just exploring different styles for the characters, and trying to push them into better more appealing/interesting designs. (For the hero, I referenced lotsa Marlon Brando photos and an Al Hirschfeld caricature of Brando)


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    the orange, green, purple, and violent red make this murky and ominous. right on target =) love seeing the decision process from the sketches on the right as well.

    It's really interesting to watch you work through the hero character. it seems like he'd be the hardest to develop and that it's easier to exaggerate the sidekick or vixen in ways that would make them appealing or interesting. I like that you're pushing his design! i'll keep checking back to see whats up.

  2. Oh snap, OHHHH SNAP! I love the light on the rib cage, spine, and bones of the top skelly. It really pops! (pops my peeny right out of its hiding place)

    And the rest of the detail of the scene, well you can just imagine what it does to my peeny.


  3. awesome stuff Rosie! I would love to animate that guy!!

  4. Hey Rosie. Always suprised when I stop by. Coolness. Hope you are well.

  5. I told you earlier at Powell and tell you again here. Your stuff is great. Keep it up!

    Take care.


  6. Nicolas >> Thanks!! Your homework is always fun

    Danielle >> Heros are hard! Maybe the sidekick and girl roles appealed to my subconscious, so they were already going to be easier to develop. It's really rewarding when you nail (for the most part) the design down.

    Tina >> I -could- imagine, but that would involve several brain cleansings immediately after. (and thank you for your wonderous comment!)

    Trung >> Thanks dude! :D

    Grant >> Hey thanks! School's tough, but I'm learning a lot. I can't complain! Plus your blog's always been a source of inspiration for me.

    Albert >> Thanks! No really, thank a lot! You're really talented, and I'm glad to have met you! I'll see you again at Powell soon!
