Saturday, March 01, 2008


Here are some boards from a class I'm in. Using a simple dialogue and a theme (i.e. "Jungle Adventure") provided by the teacher, we had to come up with our own scenarios. I roughed out as many small thumbnails as my brain + time would allow, playing with staging, composition, and continuity. Then I expanded my favorite ones, arranged them, and further edited any areas that could be clearer or more continuous. Finally, I expanded my final rough draft of thumbs and cleaned them up, adding more subtleties to the backgrounds and acting. Working in rough thumbnails is still kinda new to me, but once I get it down I know this process will be so much quicker!

Drawn and shaded in Photoshop.


  1. nice!the both the clean up and rough ones are cool! but i really like the rough ones better, anyway,good job, you are always so good at drawing facial expressions

  2. that is COOL! I'm taking a storyboard class now, and unfortunately the teacher is very hands-off with the practical exercise. So it is up to us the students to "figure out" a way to approach the storyboarding exercise. In any rate this is a good way for me to follow another student approach to storyboarding.

    Keep up the good work, Ivan.

  3. Anonymous11:38 PM

    You know I remember the days when Rosie, would ask me about storyboards, asking for my help......only now do I realize that it was a LIE! LIES! ALL LIES!!!!

    Rosie, was just using me, as she does to ALL her men, just watching us talk and then laughing at us behind our backs.

    So once again, I get my ass completely handed to me by Rosie......damn it. You realize, of course, you're going to have to show me how you are doing these.

    Great work, you double crossing wench!

  4. Anonymous8:54 PM

    That tiger scene is excellently executed, dude! Way to build it up slow and kick it out frantic like:) Can't wait to see more stories!

  5. Rosie!

    I am Joan who we met in the school gallery on Thursday(today). Wow! you storyboarding and drawings/paintings...Awesome!!!

    Thank you for showing your works to me and I wish we can see each other more and more at the school. Nice to meet you!

  6. Beautiful work.Amazing boards.

  7. Hey Rosie. Nice clean boards and good use of pacing at the end. How was it recieved in class?

  8. Hey thanks so much you guys!! It was a fun project to work on (mainly 'cuz tigers kick ass!)

    KJ - thanks! yeah, my drawings always lose some of that life of the roughs whenever I clean them up. Gots to work on that!

    Ivan - Thanks! This was just the first of two storyboard exercises for the entire semester, the latter project being our own longer story. So it's good we got to experience short-term and longer-term revisions.

    Scott - lol! Damn you revealing my secret plans!! You'll pay for this! (through clever, strategic teasing, most likely) Thanks a lot! I really learned a lot from your storyboarding wisdom.

    Anthony - Thanks! More stories are on their way!! ( theory) :P

    Eunkyung - Thanks so much! It was very nice to meet you too, and play with that interactive art! :)

    Bulldog - Muchos gracias! I totally love the designs on your blog!!

    Graham - hey thanks! They liked it in class, though my teacher teased me for putting lotsa detail in it and making it longer than the 9-panel maximum. Oops! :P

  9. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.
