Monday, January 12, 2009

Daily Sketches

Alright, I'm gonna try to start doing this daily drawing thing inbetween being productive/lazy/sleep. It's good to exercise, so I hear.

I'll keep uploading sketches to this post until something bigger necessitates a new post!


  1. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Lovely works, as usual!!

  2. Rosie! Beautiful blog my dear! See ya next semester! - SpL

  3. Hi Rosie, I think your artworks are beatifull and are like music. I have much envy after lookin, thanks for posting!

  4. Anonymous1:01 PM

    You SUCK! Again with horrible drawings! Honestly - after all the times I keep yelling at you - throwing my shoe at you - you'd think you'd learn. Just like Penny -thick as brick and just as pretty as one......

    Nah - looks awesome as always Rosie! I particularly like girl looking out the window. She has a great Hircsfield-esque look to her. And I of course love the flirty looking dame on the right corner of the first page. Great work!

  5. amazing work here, love your drawing style and I like your use of traditional media!

  6. your drawings are so cute and perfect!

  7. Rosie,

    your illustrations are really impressive i love what u are doing here.

    keep it coming, I will be back for more

    ps: i added u to my blog, hope u don't mond

  8. Daily my ass. Where's the updates?!?!?

  9. book came out great Rosie!!

    Juan said I scored the last copy:)

  10. Hey Rosie! it was great to meet you at WonderCon last month. I remember browsing through your blog a while ago, and I liked it. I am one of Fabian Molina's students @cogswell, by the way. keep it up!

  11. Your work is great! The animals! And you have a nice sense of animated shapes. Bravo.

  12. WOW!!!
    Awesome work!!!
    im loving your style!!
    So inspiring!!
    Iv added a link to your blog on my site!!
    REally lovely work.
    Thanks for sharing.x

  13. your blog is as always one of my favourite ones... You're great!!
    greetings from milan :)
