Monday, October 05, 2009

Hello World!

How are you? Me? Oh I've been great! Some lows, and definitely more highs this past year 'n a half. I'm working at a game studio now, but don't worry, I'm gonna continue on with grad school part time. Hey I've gotta run now, but I promise to catch up with you soon! Until next time, check out some sketches for the 6 pieces I'm gonna paint (in gouache) for the Purrcasso charity event:

See you soon!


  1. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Hey nice to see your blog again! Very nice studies, would be great to see the definitives!

  2. Rosie-
    It's so good to see you post again, your work has really been inspiring for me. Any place would be lucky to have you.

    please shoot me an email if you'll be attending CTN Expo.

  3. Good to see you posting again Rosie! You need to do this more often. We'll be talking soon. ;)

  4. good to hear you've got a job, rosie. :) hope you're doing well. those are some really cute sketches, especially the bottom right one. I love the shapes!

  5. WOnderful illos!! YOur design are awesome!

  6. These are great! My God San Fran is loaded with talent.

  7. hey rosie,

    long time no see. hope all's is going great for you. love these. keep it up.

  8. awesome! miss seeing you around!

  9. Wow, lots of options to paint! You've got such a great blog here :)

  10. Kitties!!!! neat!

  11. Hey Rosie!
    Your works are amazingly amazing, too! lol!! I remember you! We met before at Red Giants!

    I've been in talks with Jon. Who knows, I may be seeing you again at Wonderhill.

  12. wonderfull work !! ^^

  13. Saw your painting at Purrcasso event! Very nice indeed.

  14. Really gorgeous stuff here.

  15. Hello,

    I found your blog from Segun's website - wonderful work! I especially like your animal sketches...cutest kitties I've ever seen! Best of luck to you :)


  16. Rosie, These are so darned impressive. chuck

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. wow , very nice works !
    i add your blog im my favourite link !

  19. Hey Rosie! I just nominated you for a Kreativ Blogger Award! Go here and scroll down for details.

    Here are the rules for the Kreativ Blogger award:

    1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
    2. Copy the award badge and place it on your blog.
    3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
    4. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
    5. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
    6. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
    7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.

  20. i looooooove these! ah! i'm dying of cuteness :D
    it was nice to see you yesterday! best of luck with all your stuffs :)
